OrCAD Tutorial: How to Browse Each Element in the Project

1. Select the .dsn file or schematic folder

2. Select the menu -> browse

OrCAD Tutorial: How to Browse Each Element in the Project

Here you can browse the options in the drop-down list on the right side of parts, nets, etc.

Browse parts

Select parts, pop-up browse properties dialog box, select the default.

OrCAD Tutorial: How to Browse Each Element in the Project

OK, open all component list windows used in the project.

OrCAD Tutorial: How to Browse Each Element in the Project

In this window, double click on the reference of a component to open the corresponding page of the schematic and the component is highlighted. As shown in the figure, this can easily locate a component.

OrCAD Tutorial: How to Browse Each Element in the Project


1) From the reference option, you can see if there are components that are not numbered, and if so, they need to be renumbered.

2) From the value option, you can see if there is no value assigned to the component, such as capacitance, resistance, etc. If yes, double-click the reference of the component and modify it in the schematic.

Browse nets

OrCAD Tutorial: How to Browse Each Element in the Project

In this window, double-clicking on a nets will open the corresponding page of the schematic, and the connection of the network will be highlighted. As shown in the figure, this can easily locate a network.

OrCAD Tutorial: How to Browse Each Element in the Project

This operation is convenient to see if the power network is not assigned. In the figure, VCC_BAR is a power network that has forgotten assignment. When this happens, no error is reported during the DRC check. However, the power network is not connected to any Power Supply in the PCB and a serious error occurs. Can be easily viewed and modified here.

OrCAD Tutorial: How to Browse Each Element in the Project

Double-click the power network, VCC_BAR in the list, and open the schematic page. Highlighted location

OrCAD Tutorial: How to Browse Each Element in the Project

Modify the network name and assign it to the appropriate voltage level.

The use of other commands in the browse command is similar. It is useful to have a full review phase after drawing the schematic.

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